Menopause Services
The menopause is a natural process that most women navigate without major problem.
However there is a wide variation in the length of time symptoms last and how severe symptoms are.
About 25% of women have severe symptoms which can adversely affect their personal, professional lives and or relationships.
One in every 100 women have a premature menopause under the age of 40 and are at higher risk of significant health problems such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
Scroll down for information about
appointments and clinic venues.
I hope you will find my
Information Leaflets below
and links to other sources of information
helpful in planning what you would
like to discuss at your appointment.
Menopause Clinic Location
Avenue House, Chesterfield
109 Saltergate, S401LE
The surgery is located in central Chesterfield. On entering the reception area, please take a seat in the waiting room and Dr Amanda will call you.
Car parking is available nearby in Saltergate Car Park (East), also Rose Hill Car Park (South) (please don't park in the Labour Club car park to the West). Here is a link to to more information on Car Parks.
Menopause Information Leaflets
Information about Appointments
First appointment (50 minutes)
New menopause appointments are in person and can be booked in the following ways:
online using the button link above
sending a message on my contact form or
phoning (leave a message if I don't pick up immediately)
You will be sent a registration form and a questionnaire about your symptoms to complete before your appointment.
At your appointment you will be asked information about your medical history, family history, lifestyle and social circumstances. Please also bring information about any prescribed or over the counter medication / supplements you are taking, plus information about any recent menopause/PMS related blood tests and consultations.
We will assess your body mass index, blood pressure and risk factors for cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Depending on your symptoms, analysis of urine and / or vulval / vaginal examination can be offered. A chaperone is available on request.
Blood tests, if required, can be arranged (additional cost).
Dr Amanda will discuss with you the benefits and risks of available management options including hormonal and non-hormonal and develop a management plan with you tailored to your individual needs.
We will send you a written summary of your assessment and management plan, also send a copy to your GP with your consent.
Dr Amanda can provide private prescriptions for recommended treatment or advice to GP on NHS prescription.
Follow up appointments (25 minutes)
These in-person consultations are generally to review issues and symptoms discussed at your first appointment and assess how you are responding to any treatments tried.
We usually advise trying a treatment option for 3 months but sometimes may feel it's necessary to arrange an earlier appointment.
A written summary will be sent to you, also a copy to your GP with your consent.
Its difficult to generalise about the number of follow up appointments needed because everyone has individual needs. For example, some might be happy with the first treatment tried and their GP may be happy to take over prescribing after one follow up appointment whilst others may wish to try a few different treatment options before finding what suits them best.
Important information about appointments
Menopause appointments with Peak MPST are in person. Dr Amanda provides video/telephone appointments on Fridays through another service, please get in touch for details if required.
In occasional circumstances, Dr Amanda may advise you to see a different specialist. For example, if your main problem is new menstrual bleeding a year after your periods have stopped at the menopause you will be advised to see your GP first.
Dr Amanda is not able to fit intrauterine devices or systems in this service.
Health Insurance
Private health insurers may not pay for menopause consultations so if you have private health insurance its best to check with them.